Hemorrhoids Can Seriously Impact Your Professional Progress

Pain, discomfort, and itching associated with hemorrhoids can make it difficult to focus on work tasks.



You have heard of hemorrhoids, right? If not, hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are a condition characterized by inflammation in the tissues surrounding the anal canal; and the opening of the rectum. These tissues, called hemorrhoids, consist of numerous blood vessels, muscles, and elastic fibers.

Essentially, everyone has hemorrhoidal tissues, but they become a problem when they become swollen and inflamed. Hemorrhoids can vary in size and can be located internally or externally around the anal opening. Generally, the chances that you will ever suffer from inflamed hemorrhoids are only about 4%. However, for adults above 50 years old the odds increase to 50%.

Internally, hemorrhoids typically occur about 2 to 4 centimeters above the anal opening, while external hemorrhoids develop on the outer edges of the anal opening. Internal hemorrhoids are generally more common than external ones.

In most cases, hemorrhoids are not life-threatening. For some people, they may resolve on their own without treatment after a few days.

How Can Hemorrhoids Impact Your Professional Progress?

  •       Discomfort and Pain: Hemorrhoids can cause significant discomfort, pain, and itching. These symptoms can make it challenging to concentrate on work tasks, especially if your job requires prolonged sitting or physical activity. The discomfort may affect your productivity and overall job performance.

  •      Time Off: Severe cases of hemorrhoids may require medical treatment or surgery, which could result in the need for time off from work. If you have frequent doctor appointments or require a period of recovery, it may interrupt your professional schedule and potentially affect your progress.

  •       Reduced Mobility: Hemorrhoids, especially external hemorrhoids, can make sitting for extended periods uncomfortable. If your work involves sitting for long hours, such as in an office job, the pain and discomfort may impact your ability to perform your duties effectively.

  •       Mental and Emotional Well-being: Dealing with hemorrhoids and their associated symptoms can be emotionally challenging. It may cause stress, anxiety, or embarrassment, which can affect your confidence and overall mental well-being. These factors could impact your professional progress and interactions with colleagues.

  •       Absenteeism: In cases where hemorrhoids flare up frequently or become chronic, it may lead to increased absenteeism from work. Frequent absences can disrupt your professional routine, affect project deadlines, and impact your overall career growth.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

🔥 Hard swelling around the anus. This swelling is caused by blood clots and is often accompanied
     by pain.

🔥 Feeling that the bowels are still full after having a bowel movement.

🔥 Passage of a significant amount of fresh blood after a bowel movement.

🔥 Itching sensation around the anus.

🔥 Passage of stool mixed with mucus.

🔥 Pain during bowel movements.

🔥 Changes in color of anus tissue and the presence of a lump around the anus.

Classification of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are divided into two main categories: internal and external hemorrhoids.

Internal Hemorrhoids:

Internal hemorrhoids are further classified into four stages:

🏾 Stage 1 (Grade 1):

In this stage, there are small internal hemorrhoidal veins that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

🏾 Stage 2 (Grade 2):

In this stage, the hemorrhoidal veins are larger than in stage 1 but still remain inside the rectum. During bowel movements, these tissues may be pushed out of the anus but can retract on their own.

🏾 Stage 3 (Grade 3):

This stage is known as "prolapsed hemorrhoids." In this stage, the hemorrhoidal tissues protrude outside the anus, and the individual may feel a sensation of them "hanging." The patient can manually push these tissues back inside using their finger.

🏾 Stage 4 (Grade 4):

In this stage, the hemorrhoidal tissues are large and consistently remain outside the anus. Since the patient cannot push them back inside, medical treatment is necessary.

External Hemorrhoids:

Externally, hemorrhoids are known as perianal hematoma. They are small swellings located outside the anal opening. These swellings can be very itchy and may also cause pain if blood clots form within them. Hemorrhoids at this stage require prompt medical attention.

Causes of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids occur when the blood vessels in the rectum and anus become swollen under pressure. This can happen due to various reasons, including:

🏾 Chronic constipation

🏾 Chronic diarrhea

🏾 Heavy lifting

🏾 Pregnancy

🏾 Straining during bowel movements

There is also a belief that the tendency to develop hemorrhoids can be inherited. The risk of developing hemorrhoids generally increases with age.


Managing Hemorrhoids:

In many cases, hemorrhoids resolve on their own without requiring treatment. However, various treatments can help alleviate discomfort and itching. Making certain lifestyle changes often suffices to resolve the issue.


Hemorrhoids can be caused by excessive straining during bowel movements due to difficulty in passing stool. Modifying the diet can help soften the stools and promote easier bowel movements. It is important to consume a high-fiber diet, including plenty of vegetables and fruits. Eating foods high in probiotics is also important. Probiotic foods consist of various fermented foods, for example yogurt


Water is the best drink of all. Patients are advised to increase their water intake. Some healthcare professionals recommend reducing the consumption of beverages high in caffeine, such as coffee.


Individuals with excess weight may benefit from weight loss to alleviate hemorrhoid symptoms.

Hospital Treatment:

There are hospital-based treatments involving medication and surgery. Your doctor will advise you on the appropriate treatment after conducting an examination.

Potential Health Complications Associated with Hemorrhoids:

  • Anemia: In some cases, hemorrhoids can lead to chronic blood loss, resulting in anemia.

  • Strangulated Hemorrhoid: Some affected tissues may experience severe blood restriction. This can cause intense pain and, in some cases, tissue death (gangrene).



If you have problems associated with hemorrhoids you need to take action as soon as possible. If you don’t have symptoms then you should celebrate but remember to walk down the prevention path. Heeding the advice provided in this article can help you achieve this. This is important given the cost of treating the disease, especially if it has progressed to the stage of needing surgery.  Depending on various factors, the cost of hemorrhoidectomy, viz., the surgical procedure performed to remove hemorrhoids can range from $3,000 to $10,000 or more if you are living in the developed world, and between $ 250 to $ 500 or more if you are living in a least developed country.

Treatment in the World of Alternative Medicine

There is no doubt that the alternative medicine world also offers various hemorrhoids treatments. However, unlike the convention medicine world these treatments are not standardized therefore practitioners of alternative medicine can only talk about those unique treatments associated with their individual practices.

So as a practitioner of alternative medicine I can only talk about treatments we offer in our clinic. The good thing is that we know these treatments very well because they are our own inventions; and we have used them effectively to solve the hemorrhoid problem for a lot of people, for a relatively long time, that is, from 2012 to the present.

Haiiba Timamu Tea and Hemorrhoids:


One of the quick and effective remedies for hemorrhoids, particularly internal hemorrhoids (regardless of the stage), is Haiiba Timamu Tea. And the treatment dose costs only $ 120

In Swahili language we call this tea ‘Chai ya Ajabu’ meaning ‘Fantastic Tea’.

Why fantastic? Because the tea can effectively cure more than 35 serious medical conditions including hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoid patients, especially those in stage 3 and 4, may consider using this tea before opting for surgery.

It is important to remember that surgery always carries risks, which is why doctors require accurate patient diagnosis or input from close relatives before performing surgery.

For more information about this product you may contact us through our e mail: sihakwanza@gmail.com or through our WhatsApp number +255655281131


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