The Mighty Moringa! Could Easily be the Best Superfood on the Planet
Introduction Superfoods are those foods which are endowed with a plethora of varied nutrients that are highly beneficial to health. These nutrients may include high levels of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other beneficial substances. One of the primary causes of illness, especially non communicable illnesses, is homeostatic imbalance. A disruption or disturbance in the normal equilibrium or balance within the body's internal environment is what is known as homeostatic imbalance. Homeostatic balance is maintained by the ingestion of both macro and micronutrients in their appropriate proportions, and the ability of the body to process and absorb those nutrients. A diet that is capable of maintaining homeostatic balance must: Provide a source of ingredients needed for protein synthesis in the body; Provide a source of ingredients needed for energy production in the body; Provide a source of ingredient...