Your Money-Making Journey Can Be Affected by Your Body Odor!
Take Action! It Can Be a Major Obstacle to Your Progress Introduction The world of money is not a lonely one. Serious money involves business and social interactions. These interactions help to forge networks and networks are essential leverages for creating wealth. One of the things that can deprive you of peace of mind and limit your opportunities for personal development is having bad body odour. If your body emits an unpleasant odour, people will try to avoid being close to you, and for those close to you who cannot avoid you all the time, they will be living in very difficult circumstances. Essentially it means you will have a hard time socializing and getting to be part of wealth generating networks. Since people with bad body odour are often unaware of it, the problem becomes significant when they realize it, usually through being told by their close contacts. When someone discovers that they have bad body odour that makes others uncomfortable being...