Detoxing is One of the Best Ways to Stay Healthy and Well!

Sometimes our bodies’ elimination systems are overwhelmed by metabolic waste. We all eat but what you eject is relatively much less compared to what you took in. The sign that you have ejected less than required is stomach discomfort and even bulginess! That waste accumulating in the colon is bad news. Some of it can be reabsorbed into the blood stream not to mention the fact that it may be a breeding ground for harmful microorganisms.

A lot of people nowadays succumb to kidney diseases. No one is telling them that for the most part kidney disease is brought about by overfeeding on proteins and carbs! Both proteins and carbs after metabolism leave an ash which is highly acidic. Like other cellular solid waste, the ash is eliminated through urine. However, your body must contain sufficient alkaline minerals to neutralize the acid before it is eliminated. In the absence of enough alkaline minerals the urine will become too acidic and damage soft tissue along the urinary system, including kidney tissues.

One of the main functions of the liver is to filter out what the body’s intelligence considers as toxins before the rest is allowed to enter the blood stream on their way to the body cells to do whatever function is required. From the point of view of the body’s intelligence what we eat and drink contains a lot of toxic matter. When the liver is constantly facing an onslaught from these toxins it is overwhelmed. This means that other liver functions, like sex hormone metabolism, are relegated to the back stage. Do we need to wonder why hormone imbalance for both genders is rampant nowadays?

Last but not least, let us take a closer look at our habitat. We are surrounded by synthetic chemicals. Food additives, household cleaning products, detergents, cosmetics, farming chemicals, industrial pollutants, water mains disinfectants, hospital waste, etc., are all competing to enter our bodies.

At the end of the day our bodies contain so much toxic matter the body’s elimination systems cannot cope at all. Because of this we need to assist our bodies. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is a great way to eliminate metabolic acid from the body. These foods are endowed with a high quantity of alkaline minerals. Drinking plenty water can help in the ejection of inorganic toxins, like salt, from the body. Plenty water triggers frequent urination. Your urine washes away a lot of inorganic toxins. Consumption of garlic and vegetables like parsley helps to eliminate heavy metals from the body. When these metals stay in the body they can cause many health problems like kidney damage and cancer.

There are a lot of other specific ways to detoxify specific aspects of the body. You know some? Please share.



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