Could Wheat Be Your Tormentor?


If you are experiencing unexplained symptoms and medical treatments have failed to help you, try eliminating wheat...



Wheat is a very popular and beloved grain. Many foods such as bread, pastries, chapatis, kebabs, egg chops, pizza, and so on are made from this grain. Unfortunately, wheat contains a component called gluten. Gluten is a type of protein that gives wheat its ability to stretch and rise when it is made into dough before baking.

Having gluten in wheat is unfortunate because some people have body chemistries that cannot tolerate this component. Some studies show that between 0.5% and 6% of the world's population have body chemistries that are unable to tolerate gluten. When these people consume foods derived from wheat, they experience adverse effects.

Gluten Related Adverse Effects

People who cannot tolerate gluten may experience various symptoms that can vary from person to person. Some of these symptoms include:


Stomach problems

One common symptom for people with gluten issues is stomach pain, which can be accompanied by bloating, Diarrhoea or constipation, or alternating Diarrhoea and constipation. These symptoms indicate that the person has a condition called celiac disease. Celiac disease causes inflammation in the small intestine when the person consumes wheat. Inflammation in the small intestine leads to damage to the intestinal walls, resulting in poor absorption of nutrients and their entry into the bloodstream. Many people with this condition may mistakenly think they have stomach ulcers. The truth is that it is not stomach ulcers that bother them, but rather celiac disease.


Frequent headaches

Studies show that people with gluten issues experience frequent headaches compared to those who are not affected by gluten.


Excessive fatigue

Feeling tired is common and often not associated with any health problems. However, if you feel fatigued all the time, it is not a bad idea to seek the underlying cause of this condition. Many people whose bodies cannot tolerate gluten are significantly affected by fatigue, especially after consuming gluten-containing foods. Studies show that between 60% and 80% of all people with gluten issues experience significant fatigue.


Iron deficiency anemia

People with gluten issues may experience severe iron deficiency for two reasons. First, if they have celiac disease, it means their ability to absorb nutrients, including iron, is reduced. Second, gluten has been found to damage the stomach cells that produce acid. Acid is needed for the efficient absorption of iron by the body. Anemia leads to a reduced amount of oxygen reaching various cells in the body. A low level of oxygen at the cellular level results in low energy production by the body. This is another reason why people with gluten issues feel very fatigued.


Skin conditions

People with gluten issues may also be affected by several skin conditions, including:

  •       Dermatitis herpetiformis, which is a disease that causes the skin to develop blisters.
  •       Psoriasis, which is a skin inflammation that leads to skin scaling and the formation of scales.
  •      Alopecia areata, which is a disease that triggers the body's immune system and causes hair
       loss without scarring.
  •      Chronic urticaria, which is a recurring destruction of skin tissue accompanied by itching
       and colour changes in the affected tissue, often appearing red or pink.



Depression is a mental illness characterized by intense sadness and a significant loss of hope. Studies show that one of the main causes of depression is the consumption of gluten-containing foods.


Sudden weight loss

There are many reasons why a person may experience sudden weight loss. However, one significant reason is having undiagnosed celiac disease.



Anxiety is a state of worry, stress, and a feeling that something is not right, accompanied by restlessness. Anxiety often coexists with depression. People whose bodies cannot tolerate gluten often experience significant anxiety.

Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune disorders are conditions in which the immune system becomes overactive and attacks the body's own tissues. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease caused by the immune system reacting to gluten and attacking the lining of the small intestine. Interestingly, having this condition can lead to other immune-related problems as well.


Joint and muscle pain

There are many reasons why people experience joint and muscle pain. However, nearly all individuals who cannot tolerate gluten have complaints involving joint and muscle pain. It is believed that their nervous systems have the ability to perceive pain even at very low levels. Additionally, because gluten produces inflammation throughout the body, and inflammation is often accompanied by pain, individuals with gluten issues may experience frequent joint and muscle pain.


Numbness in the hands and feet

Research shows that people with gluten issues are often affected by numbness in their hands and feet. Further studies indicate that this condition is caused by damage to the nerves, which is triggered by certain particles produced by the immune system when individuals consume gluten-containing foods.


Brain fog

Experiencing cognitive difficulties, commonly referred to as "brain fog," is a common symptom for people with gluten issues. It is estimated that this condition affects about 40% of individuals with gluten sensitivity. The exact mechanism by which gluten causes this symptom is not fully understood, but experts speculate that certain particles produced by the immune system when gluten is consumed may play a role.


Given the multitude of symptoms mentioned, it is evident that gluten can significantly impact individuals' lives. These symptoms can lead to substantial financial costs as people seek treatment. It is often advised to address the root cause of these symptoms rather than merely treating the individual symptoms. If you have some of these symptoms and conventional treatments have been unsuccessful, it may be worth trying a period of eliminating wheat from your diet to see if there is any improvement.


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