Nutritional Tips



Eating raw food is said to be highly nutritious. Raw foods are loaded with enzymes and other biologically active compounds which heat destroys during cooking. However, raw food may be toxic to your body because of parasites and harmful microscopic organisms that may have invaded the food during farming or storage.

Additionally some foods contain chemicals like lectins which are not friendly at all with your digestive system. 

Taking extra care during the preparation can eliminate or reduce the risk of contamination. To get rid of parasites, microorganisms and even clinging farm chemicals, it is advised to follow the following steps:

1. Wash your raw food thoroughly with clean water.

2. Sock the food in white vinegar for five minutes.

3. Again wash thoroughly with clean water

The food can now be served.

If the food is one containing lectins it is advised to sock it in a strong sodium bicarbonate solution for at least half an hour. Then wash thoroughly with clean water before serving



Normally we like both carbs and proteins. Because of this most dishes contain a combination of the two foods. While the taste is great, a mix of the two foods is not compatible for our digestive systems. The food is highly stressful to the digestive system because a lot of gas is created in the stomach.

How does this happen?

It happens because proteins and carbs require diametrically opposite digestive environments! Since they can not be digested together, the digestive systems normally goes after the food which requires more energy to digest. It happens to be the protein in a protein - carb mixture. Unfortunately the stomach has a lot of acid and the acid will start acting on the carbs - fermenting them!

A byproduct of fermentation is GAS!

The rule is: Eat your proteins with veggies and also eat your carbs with veggies



Nutritional supplements are important because they help us to correct deficiencies in our bodies. These deficiencies involve minerals, vitamins, enzymes and anti oxidants. Most of the time deficiencies in our bodies occur because of living on an imbalanced diet. Most of the time living on an imbalanced diet is not intentional. Mostly it occurs because of decreased food quality. The quality of food is becoming increasingly poor due to poor soils. The number of nutrients in farmed plants have been decreasing continuously. Furthermore additional nutrients are lost during transportation and storage.

There are many industrial supplements in pharmacies. However these are expensive and may be out of reach of  many common folk. Not to worry. A great supplement that is not only natural but is also commonly available is moringa leaf powder. The powder contains not only a variety of minerals, vitamins, and anti oxidants, it also contain many amino acids, including essential amino acids. If the leaf was dried under the shade, there is also a possibility that it also contains live enzymes! 

Try supplementing with Moringa leaf Powder.




1. Beets Roots

2. Carrots

4. Coconut Powder

5. Moringa Leaf Powder

Fresh Carrots

High Quality Moringa Powder

                                                                                                                 High Quality Coconut Powder

How to Prepare

1. Take one table spoonful of moringa leaf powder and boil it in half liter of water. After boiling let
    it cool down to room temperature

2. Peal half a tea cup of beetroots and half a tea cup of carrots

3. Put the pealed vegetables into a smoothie blender and add the moringa infused water.

4. Blend until you get a smoothie texture.

5. Add one table spoonful of coconut powder and continue to blend until you obtain a homogenous mixture.

How to Use

You may use it directly or you may refrigerate it before using


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