Biological Age Versus Chronological Age: What Is It and Should You Worry About It?
Introduction Chronological age is the actual amount of time a person has been alive. This amount is measured in years, months, and days. Unlike a person’s actual age, biological age, on the other hand, reflects how well a person’s body is functioning, in comparison to their actual age, and is often used as a measure of a person’s fitness and general aging rate. Although actual age is a specific number, biological age can vary depending on various factors. These factors are such as lifestyle, environmental conditions and genetics. For example, a person who exercises regularly, while eating a healthy diet, and avoids smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, may have a biological age that is younger than their actual age, compared to other people of the same age who are diametrically opposite in behavior. Conversely, a person who engages in unhealthy behaviors may have a biological age that is older than their actual age in comparison to other people of that age, who are dia...