
Can Detoxing Help Women Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer?

  Breast Cancer is the Leading Cancer Death Among Women 2015 data published on the World Economic Forum website indicate that breast cancer is the 8 th leading cause of death among women worldwide. In 2022 it was estimated that breast cancer deaths were 670,000 while 2.3 million women were diagnosed with the disease. Survival rates depends on the stage of development. While 100% of women diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer survive for 5 years or more, the rate goes down to 25% for those diagnosed with stage 4. This means screening for early detection is very important. However, this is an advantage that can be enjoyed by women living in areas where robust health services are accessible. This does not mean that women living in areas where health services are less developed should leave everything to fate. Taking the initiative to educate oneself on the disease could help one to embrace preventing strategies and thus reduce the risk of developing the disease. With determination educa