
Simple Strategies to Prevent Your Brain from Aging Too Fast

  Introduction I hope you know that your personality is controlled by your brain. If for some reason your brain becomes dysfunctional, you also lose most of the attributes of your current personality. The opposite is also true. When a mentally ill person is treated and is well again, his or her personality shifts for the better too. Losing brain function is scary. Imagine losing your ability to remember things for example. You don’t remember who you are, etc., etc., It means you have lost your independence and you are living completely under the mercy of others! Don’t you think that is too scary? However, let us remember that this can happen to anyone. There are just too many things which are impacting negatively on our brains. Stress, chemicals, chronic diseases, and even our genes. This article will explore simple strategies that anyone can use to help boost the wellbeing of their brains. Don’t Step into a Fire if You Don’t Want to Get Burned If you step into a fire, yo...