Is Your Job Giving You Ulcers?


Middle Level Executives are Especially Prone to This


Are you a middle level executive in a large business organization? Unlike what people think, life for middle executives in large profit-oriented organizations is not easy at all. The ever-present demand for results from top level executives are causing these middle level executives to live highly stressful lives. They work long hours, they miss sleep, they miss time with their families, and sometimes they may even miss legitimate vacations.

Of all the bad things which happen to these executives, ill health is probably the number one threat. Because of stress, lack of exercise and wrong eating habits, a lot of them are suffering from one of more of the following diseases:

1. Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

2. Diabetes

3. Stomach Ulcers

This article will focus on stomach ulcers, highlighting the common causes and what we can do to alleviate the problem.

But before we move on, it is highly advisable to learn how to deal with stress effectively. There must be a lot of resources from the library to the internet that can help you in this endeavor. Here is a quick guide you can access immediately. DEALING WITH STRESS & CULTIVATING MINDFULLNESS

Common Causes of Stomach Ulcers

Stomach ulcers is a wide spread disease that that affects people of all walks of life. However, not all stomach ulcers originate from the same source. Because of this a lot of people are wrongfully diagnosed and thus the treatments they get are not able to eradicate the problem.

Helicobacter pylori Source

Helicobacter pylori, or H. pylori for short, is a bacterium that is suspected to cause peptic ulcers. It is believed that the majority of H. pylori infections occur during childhood due to children’s inability to adhere to hygiene practices. Once this bacterium enters the body, it can reside in the digestive system for many years without causing any symptoms.

However, it is also believed that H. pylori infections can be transmitted through saliva and other bodily fluids from an infected person, contaminated food, unsafe water, and even through utensils that have been washed with water containing the bacterium. It is estimated that two-thirds of the world’s population is infected with this bacterium. However, the infection rates are higher in communities where clean water and sanitation systems are inadequate.

The majority of people infected with H. pylori do not experience any symptoms. It is estimated that only 10% of those infected develop peptic ulcers. Scientists have not yet determined the specific factors that cause some infected individuals to develop ulcers while others remain unaffected.

H. pylori causes peptic ulcers by eroding the inner lining of the stomach or the upper part of the small intestine that connects to the stomach. Once the protective lining, which serves to safeguard the inner tissues against the acidic digestive juices, is breached, the acid can penetrate and reach the affected tissues. The tissues exposed to acid undergo inflammation, which leads to the formation of ulcers. These ulcers can result in bleeding in the stomach, secondary infections, or hinder the proper movement of food through the digestive system.

If you experience the following symptoms, there is a high possibility that you have an H. pylori infection that has led to the development of ulcers:

1. Abdominal bloating,

2. Frequent belching,

3. Nausea and vomiting,

4. Stomach discomfort,

5. Loss of appetite,

6. Unexplained weight loss,

7. Heartburn, and

8. Bad breath.

In severe cases, ulcers can cause more serious symptoms such as:

1. Severe abdominal pain,

2. Vomiting blood,

3. Blood in the stool,

4. Dizziness,

5. Difficulty breathing, and

6. Unexplained fatigue.

It is recommended to seek medical attention and undergo tests if you have any of these symptoms, either individually or in combination. It is important to confirm the diagnosis because there are other factors that can also cause similar symptoms.

For example, if a person has used drugs called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), they can also develop ulcers in the gastrointestinal system. Research shows that NSAIDs, like H. pylori, can attack and damage the inner lining of the stomach.

H. pylori is also a bacterium suspected of causing stomach cancer. This means that if you have stomach ulcers, it is advisable to seek treatment to reduce the risk of developing this type of cancer.

Medical research indicates that H. pylori infections can be easily controlled with certain common antibiotics such as amoxicillin, tetracycline, and metronidazole. However, it is important to note that eradicating this bacterium alone is not sufficient to treat existing ulcers.

Treatment to completely heal your ulcers must also involve controlling the acid in the stomach and promoting healing in the ulcers themselves. Hospital treatments often involve the use of medications to reduce stomach acid production and inhibit the release of a chemical called histamine, which stimulates acid production.

Treatment typically lasts for several weeks, and daily medication regimens often involve taking a large number of tablets. It is possible that this may be the main reason why many people with stomach ulcers struggle to recover with hospital treatment. Many individuals tend to stop taking their medication once they start feeling better.

Acid Burn Source

If you have liver problems, or your various body fluids are too acidic, your bile production may be highly compromised. Without bile you can not neutralize the acidic chime coming from the stomach after food digestion. The acid carrying chime will burn the outer tissue of your small intestines and thus create burn ulcers. These kinds of ulcers can’t be healed with standard medications and this is another reason why a lot of people have their ulcers treated and yet they continue suffering.

Stress is a major contributor to acid in the body. This is why highly stressed individuals mostly suffer from acidity and by extension ‘ulcers.

Acid burn ulcers will slowly heal once your body starts to produce bile again and thus remove the threat of acid chime. A very fast way of effecting this is to consume a daily glass of a special smoothie made from some root vegetables commonly available. You can get the complete free recipe here: SMOOTHIE RECIPE FOR FAST NEUTRALIZATION OF ACCUMULATED ACID IN THE BODY

Gluten Intolerance Source

In individuals with gluten intolerance, the ingestion of gluten may trigger an immune response that leads to inflammation and damage to the intestinal tissues, specifically the small intestine. This inflammation can result in various symptoms and complications, such as abdominal pain, diarrhoea, malabsorption, and damage to the lining of the intestines.

It goes without saying that this kind of ‘ulcer’ can only heal if one eliminates gluten from their meals. This means stopping consumption of high gluten foods like wheat, barley and rye.


If you have stomach ulcers that you feel have not responded to treatment for any reason, please contact HERBAL IMPACT through the contact details provided below. Our herbal nutritional supplement called HAIIBA IG Gel has consistently demonstrated great potential in the treatment of stomach ulcers. Many people who have struggled for a long time with the problem have found immense relief with this product.

The use of HAIIBA IG Gel also provides the bonus of boosting your immune system, which helps prevent the proliferation of other infectious diseases, including HIV, Vagina Candida Infections and Hepatitis C & B, just to name a few.

Att: Juma Killaghai

Phone/WhatsApp: +255655281131/+255754281131



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