
Could Wheat Be Your Tormentor?

  If you are experiencing unexplained symptoms and medical treatments have failed to help you, try eliminating wheat...   Introduction Wheat is a very popular and beloved grain. Many foods such as bread, pastries, chapatis, kebabs, egg chops, pizza, and so on are made from this grain. Unfortunately, wheat contains a component called gluten. Gluten is a type of protein that gives wheat its ability to stretch and rise when it is made into dough before baking. Having gluten in wheat is unfortunate because some people have body chemistries that cannot tolerate this component. Some studies show that between 0.5% and 6% of the world's population have body chemistries that are unable to tolerate gluten. When these people consume foods derived from wheat, they experience adverse effects. Gluten Related Adverse Effects People who cannot tolerate gluten may experience various symptoms that can vary from person to person. Some of these symptoms include:   Stomach pro...